Wednesday, October 23, 2024

October 24 /24

This picture says it all ..

and this is the finale !

You: "So, guess what... I almost slipped the other day."

S: [stunned] "Wait, what?! You what?!"

You: "Yeah, yeah. I know. Almost. But don't worry, I didn't actually mess up."

S: "How did that even happen? Weren't we just talking about this? How did we get here again?"

You: "Well, that's the thing... it's like the chicken and egg situation, you know? Which came first—the urge or the slip? And here we are again, riding this merry-go-round."

S: "Oh great, here we go again with the philosophical debate..."

You: "Exactly. It's a never-ending cycle, and frankly, I’m dizzy from it. We should’ve just stuck to talking about chickens."

S: "Or maybe how not to slip again?"

You:  "Now there’s an idea. Revolutionary, really."