Sunday, September 15, 2024


The harder we love
Means the harder we grieve
The harder it is
To go on when they leave

The harder to sleep
And the harder to wake
To know they’re not here
With each breath that we take

It’s hard to look forward
And hard to look back
Stuck in the middle,
Imprisoned and trapped

Where the harder the darkness
The harsher the light,
The harsher this world
That keeps spinning with life

But when that world’s feeling
So painful and hard
And you can’t imagine
Escaping the dark

It might help a little
To know it’s because
The harder we grieve
Means the harder we loved

Becky Hemsley 2023

had dandylion tea - made the tray etc 
This tea is good for the liver

the ironing board i converted to my writing table + dual purpose !
Daisy gone into the room and my Changes with me
Nisha and Ankit - my fellow members 

Our coffee table ! 
We love to phaff here after dinner 

That's it for now 

Oh Tanu. 
This came to mind :

Lilly the pink 
Good old childhood memories of Sector 5
It’s a quiet Sunday, the kind of day that invites you to slow down. After lunch, you slip under the quilt with Daisy and Changes, letting the gentle hum of a lawn mower in the distance fill the air. It takes you back to simpler times, when life felt carefree and there wasn’t a worry in the world. Now, my  three children are my pillars, their love and support gives me strength. But in the quiet moments like this, I can’t help but miss Tani deeply.

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